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연구논문 내용

10주간의 EEG Biofeedback 훈련에 따른 뇌파 영역별 상대적 활성도

2016-03-16 [14:16]    count : 10409    작성자 : 운영자

This study was to examine changes of electroencephalogram (EEG) of frontal when EEG biofeedback training was conducted with ten shooters of girls' high school. Experiment was performed for 30 min per session, three times a week through ten weeks and two measurements before and after training at stable state were conducted. Measurement of EEG used FP1, FPz and FP2 attached to head band of Neuro-feedback system (Braintech Corp., Korea) and left and right brain relative powers of theta, slow-alpha, mid-alpha, SMR (sensory motor rhythm), beta-low and beta-high waves were analyzed. As a result of analysis, left brain of mid-alpha and beta-low waves showed significant difference in group, period and group×period. In particular, after training mid-alpha wave showed significant difference and beta-low wave did significant decrease in mean value of left brain of mid-alpha and beta-low waves showing difference by groups. These results suggested that application of EEG biofeedback training program increased alpha wave and reduced beta-wave and then athletes' brain could be maintained efficiently.

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